Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I had been studying a thought since quite a few days. But to be confronted with it in reality was to feel it. And it hit me hard, very hard.
The picture on the left was taken in the YFE rally on 28th May at Azaad maidan.
Look closely.
There is a dark dirty boy in dark dirty clothes, holding a dark dirty sack. He was picking up used plastic water glasses. I was listening to a very inspiring speech when my eyes caught him and I felt someone squeezed my heart inside!
Here we are, so-called liberated minds, in thousands, demanding what is rightfully ours, and in another adjacent world this boy exists, unaware of the word 'right'.
I feel anger...intense anger, which diffuses into a feeling of helplessness.
You can reserve a seat in UG colleges for HSC passed children. You can reserve a seat in PG courses for doctors, engineers and other graduates. You can reserve a seat in a firm for a minimally qualified candidate. You may call them backward.
Where is his seat? Or is he too forward to deserve a seat?
HE is backward in every sense of the word. Economically, socially, emotionally, spiritually... For heaven's sake! He doesn't even know that he has a RIGHT to be educated!
Why? Not because of his past sins. Only because of his family background which is as rotten as the crap he carries on his back.
Are you pro-reservation for him?
Its so hard on my conscience to see those pro-reservation people declaring openly how greedy they are in the disguise of supporting reservations for the other remaining 'backwards' of their castes. This is the backward India you Goddamn pretenders! Do you care?
Truth is, nobody cares. Pro, anti, neutral... Nobody cares. We are all greedy, corrupt, twisted souls and this world needs an enormous dose of humanity...
It saddens me...


At Tuesday, May 30, 2006, Blogger Shiva said...

His name is Sanjay. I had a chat with him when he was following me around picking up the empty cans while i distributed water.

At Saturday, June 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur articles are so emotional that i really dont have apt comments on them..

At Sunday, June 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally aamir khan has decided to support the quota system, which is his democratic right.

he will soon be writing to arjun singh giving directions and guidelines to implement the policy.

as supreme court is also going to hear petitions about reservation policy, aamir will HIMSELF continuously monitor the situation and provide guiance to govt. as and when he thinks necessary.

He may be joined also by shabana azmi and mahesh bhatt in due course.

At Friday, June 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very well said! in my class, most of the reserved category students have gotten fake "non-creamy layer" certificates. best part is, they don't even hide it!! we are greedy, corrupt, twisted souls. lets hope hell has enough room for 1 billion people!


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