Vices don't liberate you. Virtues sure as hell don't. Accepting vices do, may be. But on whose part? I know who I am.
If you say it over and over, it does start sounding like truth. I know who I am. But you kept saying it over and over.
So let me come clean today. I am not good. I am not a good person. I am not a good girl. I am not a good friend. I am not a good daughter. I am not a good student, never was. I am not a good teacher, will never be... I am not a good anything.
So just free me of the burden of being good. In fact, lately, I've come to doubt the existence of goodness.
Hey Spriha...
Good to see some activity on this blog. There - thats something tats good, aint it?
i hope to make it better than good.
Hi spriha, like your post, saying that takes a lot of burden off, i usually have that policy, when someone wants me to get something done, they say, ur nice, and i say, im not!!!!!!
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